Monday, December 28, 2009

long time know c.
i am now reading james & the giant peach. just today i found out that roald dahl wrote adult fiction, awesome! i got a collection of short stories.
i suppose soon i will do a recap of 2009, not right now (i have had this blog for a year!).
i am simultaneously overwhelmed & underwhelmed about the new year. i am happy ryan will be back & we can be anti-climatic together, if we choose. i am not much for social gatherings, so it seems these days. unless it involves scrabble...
anyhow, come january come snow come classes (yes again) come work (if i continue to be lucky) come walks with the llamas. i like these things like i like michigan - its more or less agreeable but when the wind blows you clench your teeth and squint your eyes.

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