Thursday, July 22, 2010


a couple weeks ago, when steph was up from North Carolina, she was telling me about red clover. it's also called "purple clover" because really, it's more purple than red.

benefits: it is "recognized for supporting critical hormone levels within the body in both men and women, without having any negative side effects" (flora health: herb & blossom).
well, that sounds quiet amazing.
use: i tried it as a tea because all good things can be a tea, so i think. websites (shaky sources, i know) say to brew 1t of dried herb & blossom. i collected red clover blossoms and drank them fresh (aka too lazy to dry them). i put a small handful in each cup (about 10 blossoms) - fresh plant matter is less concentrated than dried. then i used the blunt end of a knife handle & smashed the blossoms to make sure i got all the goodness, before i strained them out. i added dried mint for flavor & dried raspberry leaves because they are good for uterus muscles & pain relief (yogi tea). the tea had a nice flavor, minty and a bit of honey flavor from the red clover. i don't know if it was effective, as i wasn't trying to cure anything. i'll try it again when i have cramps or bad vibes.

to identify: so the blossom/flower has purple tipped petals, the inner part being white. the blossom is also a little puff, or sphere. the leaves have a lighter green "v" on them. they're quiet common & pretty easy to identify once you have seen one. they grow in bunches, it seems to me. also, red clovers produce honey, though not as much as white clovers (which look about the same but white & smaller).

healthy new age

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