Wednesday, August 11, 2010


hikin' mill creek metropark

cute mushroom by the witch caves (trail 5)

i would say i found a fair amount of magic on this trip. ryan had work in Youngstown, OH - so I tagged along. it's my dad's hometown & i remembered coming here when i was little. the Witch Caves was this great magical place to me (in Mill Creek Metropark, by the Suspension Bridge). i jumped from rock to rock in the stream & could be content for a LONG time. the caves are actually little cliffs & boulders together, making these little pockets of darkness. but when your 4ft tall, they are caves, plus the witches were only like 6" tall anyways.

so, my tour guide includes:
  • yoga or tai chi at Fellows Riverside Gardens (Tu - Fri): it's $10 a session, which is a little steep for me. but, it's for about an hour.
  • Butler Institute of Art: it's free and there is parking. they have a cool variety of pieces and exhibits. their permanent collection is organized in chronological order, which is great. then, they had featured exhibits of holograms, neon lights, pastels, & more. i spent at least 2 hours here.
  • the Lemon Grove Cafe: this place is a cafe/art gallery/bar that kids from the farmers market turned me on to. it's really comfortable atmosphere-wise & super cute inside. last night we went for live jazz - low key & chill. they're also environmentally friendly & local, which is great fun to support.
  • the Mocha House: recommended to me for dinner, but they also have breakfast & lunch. also a local place with yummy food and reasonable prices. great selection of teas, coffees, & desserts!
  • farmers market downtown (Tues 11-2p): i went and helped w/ morning set up. the location is great, right in the heart of downtown, also called "central square." the kids here were nice to meet & great to talk to. plus, fresh produce.
  • their urban farm/garden: a great project. the farm is on vacant lots (which there are unfortunately a lot of in town). they have nice raised beds & a little hoop house. it'd be cool to see what other gardens are going on.
  • Four Seasons flea market (Wed & Su): I didn't end up going here, but it sounds fun if you like to wander & look at things.
so, downtown Youngstown is sketchy in some areas, but I didn't have any problems. I guess, be weary of that, but don't let naysayers get you down about this city. also, kids from were really friendly & helpful w/ suggestions.


Christine said...

wow youngstown sounds cool! Who knew? I've never really heard of it. I like how you describe the cafe as being "wise" I like the way you use the adjective.

kaitlyn said...

hey christine!
thanks for readin' my blog. i've been meaning to send you some mail. when do you return to MI?