Saturday, October 16, 2010

I have not updated for some time & now I'm not sure where to start. Lot's of catching up. So, Ryan & I moved from MI to OR on Sept. 18. We've now been living in SE Portland for about 3 weeks. We really like our apartment & I'm quiet happy with having gotten the majority of our furniture for free. People are moving a lot or cleaning a lot, i dunno, but they just put things by the dumpsters or trash cans & its a free for all. Pretty awesome because we've gotten an Ikea couch that we're re-upholstering, a wood dinning table, a side table, a dresser, & a tall wine rack that we use as a shelf. it's a bit harder to find chairs, which sorta renders the kitchen table a bit useless, ha.

I like our location, we're a couple blocks away from Mt. Tabor, an extinct volcano. I went for a leisurely bike ride there- i think i wore my break pads out the whole way down & I only climbed a quarter of the way up. So, that's one thing, it's hilly here - so different from the midwest. I am horrified of bombing down a hill and then getting rammed in the face by someone opening their car door (since bike lanes & street parking often overlap in limited space). Back to location, we're also a few blocks away from Laurelhurst Park. This is a really pretty park with beautiful trees & apparently a cool pond, but that part is under construction currently. Hawthorne, Belmont, & Laurelhurst districts are only a few blocks away and all of them have sweet $3 movie theaters + beer options. People here love beer & cats. Every street, there is a cat on the prowl. Oh, and food trucks at Belmont & 45th... so tempting.

For another post, I'll throw some fotos up from the trip & such. More fotos of the apartment as it comes together.

Miss all you Michigan folk!


Christine said...
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Christine said...

This is Christine. I know what you mean about hills - Maine was like that too! Very hilly and tough for biking. Gotta get those legs in shape!

kaitlyn said...

hey christine!
yea hills - i gotta shape up for sure!
I'm pumped about your blog, it's a cool project.