Saturday, November 20, 2010

that stuff that grows on trees here.

Portland is cold! yup, it's true, winter times are almost here. I already have my hot cocoa, so I'm feeling okay about it and winter jacket is on it's way here in the mail.
Today Ryan & I went to Forest Park. We took a short hike on a .6 mile trail, the name of which I don't remember. It's so peaceful and green! I wish this was my backyard. some photos:

fern friends & tree frames.

ryan only takes my picture when i look like this. yum chocolate.

After blasting through 4 interviews in a weeks time, I remain unemployed 2 months in to my Portland life. Sigh, times are tough. Worry not, it's obviously a sign that it's time to re-design my website and learn jquery or wordpress things. Hibernating with the computer.

Also, last weekend, Seattle friends came to visit us! Really fun times. All the Portland usuals: Mt. Tabor, Belmont food carts, MAX, Saturday Market, Powells, Voodoo Doughnuts, concert at Doug Fir, Trade Joe's dinner feast extravaganza, Hawthorne. Ate brunch at Cup & Saucer on Hawthorne, super good! They do the organic, free range thing, yum. And vanilla scones! I'm gonna do a post soon with all my (cell phone) fotos of food.

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