Thursday, February 3, 2011

hello. it's been an exciting week, perhaps. it's been sunny and oh, so cold. i've been bouncing between various meetings, crafts, and foods.
first foto is of a necklace (right) that I've been working on since December. I tried one design and the weight was all wrong. Over the weekend I went back to Beads Forever (Hawthorne + 35th) and got waxed cord to finish it up. I'm pretty happy with it, despite the lack of a good foto to properly show you.
Yesterday night I cooked mac + cheese inspired by Annie's microwave bowl meals. Recipe via ReadyMadeMag. It was pretty delicious and enough for two 8x8 casseroles. I would recommend cooking the tofu until it's sorta dry, but I'm sure it depends on the brand of tofu you use. The melted cheese on top, though, that's the best!
Today I made a batch of 'vegan' cranberry ginger bran muffins from Vegan with a Vengeance cookbook. I say 'vegan' because I used milk (I'm outta stamps dude! soy is pricey), but they came out great and are super delicious. The vanilla, bran, and fruit combo smell so good in the oven. I hope I stay hyped on cooking because I want to continue eating well and make good use of my CSA share in April.


Camille said...

Muffins/ food look so good! mmmm tasty. What do the necklaces look like up close? It's rather cold in the D too. Miss you in the Mitten, love, Cam.

kaitlyn said...

hey camille!
keep warm in the mitten. i miss walking through snow, it always felt sorta serene.
the left necklace is a trinket I bought at a truck stop - it's a leather pouch. the right necklace has a crystal.
<3 kaitlyn