Wednesday, February 23, 2011

i did it. i went shopping! i went to h&m and picked up every tan/beige/khaki colored coat in the store to try on. i've recently been obsessed with khaki (i never really liked anything khaki before. it always made me think of hideous school uniform pants or something.). i also just finished knitting a mini-scarf, aka neck warmer, in "spice" and knew it had to be worn with this jacket i didn't have.
it was somewhat crazy and overwhelming for me to be in h&m. the portland one is 3 floors big. but i made it out only spending about $60. i don't feel too bad about spending the money as i just paid my electric bill & received a pay check from a freelance job. plus, after 5 months, i am finally employed! i start monday as a "web project manager." pretty much i will code + design websites (front end development). i'm quiet psyched and hope it works out well. i get my own office, haha.
back to the shopping though, i want to try to only shop thrift... or better yet, not shop at all. i feel guilty about consumption, as i feel like i bought very little while going to school. i think that's a good habit to strive for because i still manage to have too much stuff. alternatively, i don't mind if i spend money to make things to wear. i've been feeling adventurous with knitting and think i might try to knit a sweater. if i start now, there's a good chance i will be able to wear it by next winter, ha.
also, as i gloat over my new spring jacket, it is probably going to snow tonight. portlanders seem to either be in a panic or enthusiastic about it. i suppose it'll be interesting to see what a snowy portland looks like, but i know it's nothing compared to michigan snow (which occupies a chilly place in my heart).

photos to come soon of my jacket + scarf combo (oh no, i've built it up too much). i'm waiting on buttons i bought off etsy to finish the scarf.

in the mean time, here are some (crummy) screencaps from Jules and Jim, by François Truffaut. all the sweaters are so great! i especially like the sweater + skirt + boots outfit on Jeanne Moreau's character.

everyone in sweaters!

i love the bicycle sequences.

inspiration for a visit to the coast.

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