Monday, April 4, 2011

despite my like for gardening, i still find it super hard to kept plants alive indoors, except for cati. So, these succulent candles, perfect. also, the terrarium is doing good! I am surprised and happy - there is a little sprout growing.

last friday, i went to Powell's on Hawthorne, after work. I thought I did so well; I left without buying anything. but then, Ryan and I went back to Hawthorne for pizza & beer at Oasis Pizza - and I kept thinking about books. so, I just went back in and got them + found a new journal notebook (the brown one above).
I started reading "French Milk" by Lucy Knisley. I'm a sucker for daily journal comics - esp. when there are drawings of food. I like her line work and handwriting and her love of objects (which I can obviously relate to).
I'm looking forward to start "Black Elk Speaks." The description on back proclaims it "one of the ten best spiritual books of the twentieth century." alright then. it seems overly popular to be into shamanism and whatever, but that doesn't really take away from how interesting the mind is! ever since reading Breaking Open the Head, it's just interesting to learn how other cultures understand consciousness and its various states. I'm still stumbling through the Bhagavad Gita, very very slowly. it's hard for me to connect with it and take a real interest in the story. I either read too into it getting caught up on all the names and analogies, or i read it too surface level - which is way boring and obviously not meaningful. ho hum. I hope to finish it before it's due back to the library.

I was excited to get this in the mail from my sister! I love elephants and cute things. she made it with one of those fancy paper cutting machines for scrap booking.
in other things, I bought hiking boots! my hope is that these hiking boots will be amazing and i will never have to buy another pair (at least until i'm 40). I ordered them online, they should be here in 3 days. I hope they fit - i was too impatient to find a store that had them to try them on, but it's easy enough to return. This past weekend, I also biked to 'The Bins' - which is a Goodwill but, everything is dumped into rolling table bins and you dig through to find... something. then, you pay $1.50 per lb (excluding things like furniture). I have a feeling that the bins get things that didn't sell at a Goodwill store, ha. but, regardless, i found a vegetable print canvas bag , a cardigan, and a silly mid-drift tank top for layering. p.s. we biked the Springwater Corridor part of the way to get there; it is so cool!


Caroline said...

Let me know how that book is!


Caroline said...

The black elk one. Black elk?

kaitlyn said...

i will! i've started reading it and i like it a lot. i can send it to you when i'm done, if you think you'd like to read it.