Friday, June 10, 2011

printing, cutting, & folding 50 copies of this quarter-size zine today was surprisingly easy! i always get anxious about printing, because something usually goes wrong and you have to rush to fix and reformat it. but, alas, it went smoothly!! also, i'm extremely excited about this card stock for the cover, really. it makes the zine look so badass!

for the past couple of months, I've been volunteering to help guest curate galleryHOMELAND with other ResearchClub-ers. this first show is a 2d show - paintings, prints, and other flat images - hence the title 'vision.' Valerie and I made this zine to document each of the 4 artists' (in the show) research and creative process. also, we did this in a week's time. pretty cool, just saying.

if you're in Portland and wanna check out the show - tonight is the opening reception. not only will there be good art and company - but free cheese, wine, & beers. yup. details:
galleryHOMELAND :: 2505 SE 11th Ave. #136
June 10, 2011 :: 6 - 9 PM

i recently bought this candle. it smells great! i remember being really excited about bath and body works candles when i was 11. since then, my candle craze pretty much faded away and i hadn't bought a candle since. considering that my walls mold, clearly the moisture of Portland is too much for this little, old apartment - a candle was a good idea. i can't help but want these $35 candles from a.p.c. & their minimal label designs.

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