Saturday, February 21, 2009

hi caroline! this post is mostly for you because i started to answer your comment & realized it was a long answer.

the continual question of "what are you doing now, later, tonight, with your life?"
right now i am getting closer to finishing my design project (3 cohesive book covers) & further from ever practicing piano again. ergh.
later i think i'll be cooking & eating.
tonight i am seeing the vagina monologue :D eeeeee.
with my life i am knocking on wood & moving to portland (oregon) with two wonderful individuals.
my spring break is the second week of march. stephanie (wonderful indi. # 1), her gf, a friend, ryan (wonderful indi. # 2), and myself are going to portland for the week. hopefully we'll see things that say "yes, you can live here and not in a box!"
those are the plans. i need to talk professors and people about setting up job things too. i keep pushing that off.
when is your spring break? plans and ideas for summer & life?

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