Sunday, March 7, 2010

a quote from the Dalai Lama's autobiography:

"Then at four, tea was served. If there is anyone who drinks more tea than the British, it is the Tibetans. According to one Chinese statistic I came across recently, Tibet imported ten million tons of tea annually from China before the invasion. This cannot possibly be true as it implies that every Tibetan drank almost two tons per year. The figure was obviously invented to try to prove Tibet's economic dependence on China, but it does give a indication of our fondness for tea."

His voice is great to read. At once it is humorous, kind hearted, and objective.
I just finished House of Leaves last week. It was good. It's hard to pin point one or another thing to say about it- eerie, suspenseful, well researched, long. I didn't really have any favorite quotes other than the use of the endearment, "My little eye sack." eww.

I suppose I should watch the Oscars, since I was in Kodak Theater last week anyways.
More to come on roadtrips to L.A.

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