Friday, June 25, 2010

hello again.
on wednesday, i had a wonderful day. this week was a lot of wonderful days due to sunshine & rain and an easy going pace. back to wednesday - it was raining when i got up at around 9:30a. so i decided to go swimming before heading out to Towar garden, letting nature do the watering. i swam at MSU IM West, free indoor pool from 10:30 to 2P about everyday. i swam 40 laps, next week i'll try for 50 perhaps. when done with swimming at around noon, the rain had finished but there was still a good breeze.

at Towar, i cover cropped two back plots and mulched a little path - so that i can conveniently walk from my donation plot past the cover crops to mine & ryan's plot. hehe. i was quiet proud :p
the soil was recently tilled, plus the rain, making it easy to work with. took me about 2 hours as a i jumped back and forth between tasks.

we are trying Edamame as a cover crop. And to my limited knowledge, cover cropping is good...
01. at keeping weeds out by planting an intentional crop to cover the empty space = cover crop
02. to help with nutrients in the soil. some crops draw nitrogen towards the top of the soil, making for more nourishing soil the next planting season.

thursday, i spent inside getting down to business. i'm putting together the poster for the garden tours (july 27 &29). it's quiet fun & i love that i can go between working in the garden and then doing some illustration work.

on the left is the a tiny sketch that i made in less than a minute, just to get the idea down. then the drawing of the pepper, the carving of the stamp, and the print of the stamp. i scan the stamp to my computer & import to Illustrator (thank you live paint feature!). i just can't function in Photoshop, my knowledge is too limited. so the whole poster will be laid out in Illustrator and converted to PDF for the printer.

that's been my week more or less. should have the poster up here next week.

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