Tuesday, June 22, 2010

week 4

BEHOLD! gnomes shoes.

i was so happy to find garden clogs, they bring me joy when i wear them. the nature of garden accessories is somewhere between hideous, cute, and usually functional. overalls, straw hats, crocs, plaid, gloves, cargo shorts & so on. mostly, though, i find myself wearing dirt and mosquito bites. i'm also about 5 shades darker than usual. i feel like a golden pastry crust.

as the days go on, i'm in a muddle of thought over to do lists, tasks at hand, and general unawareness sometimes. but then i'll remember that this is my job and that i dedicate all day to gardening! i have the time to weed plots, sing songs, mulch every crevasse a weed could consider popping up, figure out how to build a trellis, get tangled in the longest garden hose i've ever used, sink into soil barefoot, and enjoy eating things right out of the ground.

i'm still trying to say hello to everyone and meet as many gardeners as i can and more so, to learn names. it's challenging and i try to push myself to have conversations with everyone, even when i don't really know what to say. but it's helpful to learn a little about everyone i meet, to remember them, to realize how important gardening is to some, and to sorta see where i fall in all of this. i think i might also consider going to the food bank at some point, to try and see the whole process of growing to giving.

airport garden. is by an airport, i saw a northwest red tail coming in for landing the other day. i'm still sad that the merger went with deltas branding and not nwa. i liked it better. there are also vast corn fields in all directions, around the gardens. at a barn down the road, it seems like a rock band is always having practice. it's a nice backdrop. i only tend to the plot pictured above, thank goodness. the soil is so hard on the surface. i struggled to dig deep enough to plant the tomatoes and potatoes. the gardeners there have the most amazing structures! most are some form of trellis or tripod for pole beans to crawl up, but also for tomatoes and peppers.

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