Wednesday, July 14, 2010

fotos from the garden

bird poop tomato. don't worry, it's still good!


zinnia flowers, so pretty.

you avid readers, it has been awhile! I've been reflecting on only have 3 more weeks before my VISTA term is ended. the looming thought of unemployment makes me sad and a bit uncomfortable. But, while I truly enjoy this job, I also strongly want to move to Portland by the end of August. if I can both move & get a job in PDX, I will be very thankful indeed. to come, lists! 01. things to do in MI before moving 02. things to do in PDX.

it's zucchini season! hurrah! a gardener at Towar already harvested a bucketful of them & was so kind as to give me some. I will be making bread tonight. I think zucchinis are quiet cute in the way they grow from the plant (see 2nd foto above).

tah-dah! so, I finished the community garden tour poster early last week & it has since gone to the printer & into the windows of Lansing businesses. if you live in the Ingham area, you should come on out! details:

July 27, 2010 Bike Tour @ 5:30P Location: Letts Comm. Center
1220 W. Kalamazoo
Lansing, MI 48915

July 29, 2010 Bus Tour @ 5:30P
Location: Foster Resource Center
2401 Marcus Street
Lansing, MI
‎ 48912

pest management: it works!
I have a hard time catching cucumber beetles, because they are smart & quick to fly away. i'm having great success with an oil & soap spray. the spray makes it harder for the bugs to fly away, so I can catch them and oil smothers the bugs anyways. I feel a bit destructive killing bugs, but it must be done. on that note, only use spray if you are sure there are destructive plant eating bugs. the spray is indiscriminate & will kill the bugs it comes into contact with.

1T oil (I used canola)
1T biodegradable liquid soap
1C water

mix all ingredients in a spray bottle & give it a shake.
you're all set to defend plants from bugs!

a foto of our bug foe. you can see he has been sprayed from the bubbles on the leaf.

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