Thursday, July 8, 2010


last week, my co-workers pointed out this weed to me. it grows in abundance all over, especially between cracks in driveways & such. lucky for you & me, it's super nutritious! it contains omega-3, vitamins a & c, and a cup of it contains 7 calories.

to identify it, it has a pinkish stem akin to radishes. the leaves are green and droplet shaped, as well as thick & meaty in texture. additionally, all the stems grow out of a central point, creating a swirl or star. taste is best in fresh picked, younger plants. before you pick it, be sure it hasn't been sprayed with weed killer & the like. once you're sure, give it a rinse & you're good to go.

this is a tough weed to beat, best for you to befriend it & eat it. breaking the stem promotes the plant to go to seed. plus, seeds stay viable in soil sometime up to 30 years.

i cooked some up in olive oil with salt & pepper. i added it to a pre-made lentil meal i had from the store. the plants i used were older and the taste was a bit bitter. seems its popular in stews. next time i will probably use it in a salad.

this garden is illegal
praireland community supported agriculture
university of Illinois extension

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