Monday, November 8, 2010

christmas card 2010 @ mt. tabor

my family came to visit this past weekend! the weather held up; it didn't rain until saturday night. i took 'em to all the sights: downtown, voodoo doughnuts, my apartment, mt. tabor, hawthorn district, cathedral park, belmont & 43rd food carts, pok pok, and i finally found the door to the Lloyd Center. we didn't make it to Powell's though, we were too busy buying a toaster! yeah, toast!

Michelle is adventurous and tried the maple bacon bar at Voodoo Doughnuts.

ryan & i climbin' around @ Cathedral.

it was nice to go to Cathedral Park, I hadn't been there yet. Ryan & i tried to bike there earlier in the week, it's 10 miles away all the way up in north portland. we didn't make it via biking, as i got hungry and it got dark out. it's a pretty bike ride, if it's not raining.

in other news, i applied to The Gap at the Lloyd Center (which is a mall in the NE). I have a group interview next week. it'd be nice to work part time because I admit, I want a discount. I also have an interview this week with a web development firm in downtown Portland. pretty excited- i would really like the job. the company seems cool and the work seems interesting. hur-rah.
also, Elise, Nate, & Oliver are all coming to visit this upcoming weekend from Seattle! yay! I'm so happy to have all these visitors. Portland is a fun city, but it's way more awesome when you have people to enjoy it with.

1 comment:

ky said...

i just saw the episode about the maple bacon bar on food network. omgg. aw your family looks so good; i need to make it out the portland one day and see you living the fabulous life for myself :)