Sunday, May 15, 2011

Remember making safety pin jewelry in girl scouts? It was pretty great. I made this necklace in similar technique. I found lots of inspiration via Etsy shops, Dixie and Dust & Papavier (both make gorgeous things!). Before starting, I also looked around for a tutorial because it seemed like one should exist. I didn't find one and thus, here's the pattern i used.

.tools & supplies.
  • 2 - 3 colors of seed beads
  • 1 metal 'eye pins' (1.5") or wrapping wire
  • 7 metal 'head pins' (1.5")
  • 2 jump rings
  • 2ft of necklace chain
  • small wire cutter
  • round nose pliers
  1. take 7 of your metal 'head pins' and bead them following the pattern above with the colors of your choice. start with the bottom bead and bead up on each head pin.
  2. this part was a bit tricky for me, as i don't particularly like wire wrapping. but wrap a loop (+ wrap the extra wire, maybe 3 x around) on each head pin you just beaded.
  3. whew, that's done. good job. now take your metal 'eye pin' and place one seed bead and then the beaded head pin. repeat (according to pattern).
  4. wrap a closing loop on the eye pin and attacha jump ring to each side for the chain.
  5. before closing the jump rings, attach chain. then close and wah-la you have a necklace!
  6. make them for your friends and in infinite other patterns or ways :)
  • i practiced wrapping on scraps to figure out where on the wire each time to make the loop & have enough room to wrap the wire a couple times right above the beads. it helps keep each beaded wire the right length so the patternlines up correctly next to each other. sorry if that sounds confusing! you'll get it when you start :)

  • mark the spot on your round nose pliers where you want to wrap your wire. this helps to make a consistently size loop.


Meg said...

THanks for posting this! I'll give it a try soon

kaitlyn said...

Hurrah! glad to hear it :)