Thursday, December 29, 2011

new years is approaching. figure i'd best do a sum up of the year.


worked 3 different jobs and 1 internship and 1 volunteer committee
had my americorps experience & enjoyed pso & met good community
moved to North Portland into a house w. lovely house mates
watched all of Battle Star Galactica on Netflix
stayed in 2 casino hotels on reservations and "won" $5 at the slots
learned to make kimchi
built a whole website & got paid
made bread with adam
michelle graduated from high school & went to MSU
went camping for the first time in Oregon and to the Bagby Hot Springs
saw the Oregon Coast and hobo camped for the night
learned the major arcana tarot cards
steph & willette visited!
got the stomach flu
tried 50 different apples at the Portland Nursery Apple Festival!
discovered olive oil is a great moisturizer & that the no shampoo thing doesn't work for me after a year of experimenting :)
visited Pendleton, OR for free, for work
learned about permaculture, the plants of Oregon, & ethnobotany
got an iphone & promptly obsessed with instagram

.goals & wishes.

start painting with watercolors and sketching again
do a headstand without the wall Mar.
go for hikes or some sort of outdoor adventure once a month
get the website up for tiny.little.boxes, it's gonna be great!
be at peace with boredom, not knowing, and the less than perfect
have a potluck Jan. 28
visit my grandparents in CO & film kimchi making
have a garden or at least a giant container this spring with salad greens
oh yea, learn to play the melodica so ryan & i can start a proper polka band
knit a new hat & a sweater
keep making bread
a juicer? keep buying local, fresh produce Feb. 28
dig oysters at the coast, then eat them
whale watching in march at the coast
wwoof in hawaii at some point, or just work on a farm
write more letters
have a more regular yoga or meditation routine weekly

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