Tuesday, June 15, 2010

week 3

bbq eats, dinner last friday.

finished sign last friday, up at Towar.

hard to believe another week has gone by! time moves in a weird way, sorta like elastic stretched taunt and then snapping back.

i attempted and failed at going to the free 10am session of yoga at hilltop, i know. so i think i'll switch gears and get back to swimming. both IM West & Circle have free (w/ msu id) indoor pools for usage.

as for work updates, i have noticed that i am getting sorta buff from all that compost shoveling and straw tossing. yay bi-ceps and sore muscles! my typical day starts at 11a either at the office or the resource center. from there i usually run an errand like picking up & delivering straw to a garden. so, straw is good for mulching, which helps discourage weed growth and attracts good predator beetles (vs bad beetles like the colorado potato beetle). also, you don't want to mulch with hay as that has a lot of seeds in it because its animal food. straw is straight up, well straw.
around 4:30, i inhale dinner and then either go to help distribute plants at the Foster resource center or look after the donation plots at Towar or Airport Community Gardens. i finish around 7 or 8 pm.

my fortune cookie today read:.unlikely, to say the least.

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