Friday, February 3, 2012

No More Dirty Looks :: Day 2

So, after a day of "not washing" my face, my face feels good. It actually feels less dry and itchy. It's not too oily from using olive oil and overall, feels less irritated then a day ago when I was using Trade Joe's face wash (which, among other things, has fragrance). Maybe this routine will stick after the 3 days! But, I will probably wash my hair after the challenge. To include hair products in the 5 items was too hard! Plus, I don't wash my hair everyday anyhow. Last year, I did the "no poo" thing - just washing once in awhile with baking soda and following with apple cider vinegar. My scalp got dried out, since I can't rub essential oils + jojoba oil on my head. Also, the ends of my hair needed more moisture. So, I've gone back to shampoo and conditioner for now. I'm also going to try argan oil or aloe vera on the tips of my hair to combat winter dryness. Anyhow, that was sorta a tangent, but wait - here's more info than you ever wanted!

I really like things in lists or steps, so I don't have to think about anything and can just replicate a routine. So, this is how I don't wash my face, more or less.

Morning Rountine:
Splash face with water
Rub Olive Oil between fingers to warm up/emulsify and then apply to face
Put a steamy, warm wash cloth over my face and then gently wipe down after a few seconds
Spray my face with DIY Lemon Mint toner

Same as morning +
spot apply clay mask - I mixed my first batch with cooled Chamomile tea, instead of water. Chamomile tea is good for calming down inflammation. I mixed too much clay for one use, so I left it in the bowl and it's fine for multiple uses. I suppose I should be cautious about introducing bacteria with my hands, but for a few uses, no big deal.

So far, I would definitely like to get these re-useable face pads or some plush organic cotton hand towels. Even though the point of this challenge is to focus on simplifying and quality over quantity, it's hard to not want some luxuries.

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